The Empowerment of Japanese Women, through Strong Female Characters of Anime Film

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Within the mediums of popular culture, the representation of women has often been controversial, due to the use of their gender and the attitudes toward them. In a majority of anime themes, the women have been drawn for their sensuality and sexuality constraints. Their role was to be dominated by their male counterparts. It has reinforced the stereotypical role of women which is the passive and sensitive role. Why is popular culture important? It influences the thoughts of the people and shapes their attitudes and behaviours.
During the late 20th century, Japan experienced the rise of feminist movements who desired to change the feminine historical narrative. How did Japanese women become empowered? The paper will demonstrate that the empowerment of Japanese women shifted the representation of them within the medium of anime films, during the late twentieth century. Specifically, it will analyze the female characters of Ghost in Shell, Princess Mononoke, Naussicaa of the Valley of the Wind, and Patlabor. The reasoning behind these chosen films is that they each have a strong female character that have many differences and similarities, when one compares them to each other. Also, they were made within a ten year lifespan between the mid-eighties to the mid-nineties.
Structurally, the paper is divided into three sections: the empowerment of Japanese women, strong female characters, and the identity of women. The first section will present the rise of the feminist movement of Japan that will explain the historical background. The second section examines the development of the strong female characters and how they contribute to the empowerment of Japanese women, through the analysis of the four films mentioned. Finally, the third...

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...sequently, the identity of Japanese women within popular culture would transform with the empowerment of Japanese women. They create a new type of identity ‘female masculinity’ which reinforces the reversal of gender roles and the alternative world that it achieves. In a patriarchal society, the characters should be able to influence and inspire the audience to gain confidence and challenge the status quo. From another viewpoint, gender is a type of social construction insofar as they needed the feminine side of masculinity to have a balanced world and to explain it. Although, there will always be a fine line between the ideal and reality because the films are supposed to represent the ideal alternative to the world to resolve the social issues that are not directly discussed. Reality is just supposed to be influenced by it and to understand the problems of society.

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