Electronic Break In Essay

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Electronic Break-Ins As technology becomes more integrated into our everyday lives, it becomes necessary to take precautions when dealing with sensitive information and technology. The Internet is a prominent tool in today’s society, and will be used against people for many years to come. As technology grows larger, it increases the impact a malicious attack can have. Cybercrime is a special category of criminal acts that are typically executed through the utilization of computer and network technologies. Electronic Break-Ins is one of the categories of cybercrime.
“Electronic break-ins and unauthorized access are clear cut cases of unwanted intrusion, and the most serious form is cyber espionage. “ (Spinello)
In late 2013, the Federal …show more content…

According to the article, a unit of the government (Specifically a UK group called JTRIG, the Joint Threat Research and Intelligence Group) monitors active online websites such as YouTube and Blogger, targets suspected Anonymous activists by using DDoS attacks, using ‘honey traps’ (luring people into compromising positions), and destructive viruses. While the listed attacks span several different categories of cybercrime, we will focus mainly on the intrusive aspect of their crimes. The article included a leaked PowerPoint slideshow directed towards new hires on how to commit psychological operations against civilian targets. Not only are these techniques used for counterterrorism, but against people suspected of ordinary crimes or …show more content…

(Timberg and Yang) Censoring the internet and tracking what individual users are viewing online will be difficult, and is a bold move to thwart surveillance by government intelligence agencies. While this doesn’t prevent the injection of ideas into the internet by the government, this does enforce the protection of the end users. Encrypting web pages will make it more difficult for the government to track specific keywords of topics they want to diminish or degrade, but it would not prohibit them from posting altogether. The only real solution to this issue is the proactive watching of what our government does and where its funding/resources go. As far as the internet is concerned, it shouldn’t ever be a private place, nor should it be somewhere where a user needs to be authenticated before being able to participate in the

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