The Electoral College in The United States

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Historical overview
As the first Democrat in nearly 20 years to hold the position, Bill Clinton saw a successful, yet embattled tenure in the office of the presidency. As he looked to pass the torch to his Vice President Albert Gore Jr, a virtually unchallenged bid in the Democratic primary, as he carried all of the delegates, with the stance and platform of being a more moderate alternative to the liberal Senator Bill Bradley of New Jersey. The Republican Party was locked in a more challenged series of primaries with the two frontrunners being Senator John McCain of Arizona, and Governor George W. Bush of Texas. The major third party candidates were consumer advocate of the Green Party Ralph Nader, and his running mate Winona LaDuke, as well as Reform Party candidate Pat Buchannan and his running mate Ezola B. Foster. The Reform Party ticket was not thought to gain any serious traction nationally, but the Green Party ticket was criticized by the left for taking liberal votes away from Gore.
After securing the nominations of their respective parties Bush and Gore did as all major Presidential candidates have done since Nixon and Kennedy; engage in a series of televised debates. It is important to note that Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden were not mentioned at all in the debates, but rather two well established platforms recited and reiterated by both tickets rather seamlessly. The Gore ticket emphasized a patient’s bill of rights, and reform of the HMO insurance policy as a stepping stone to a single-payer system or something comparable to the current health care law ( They also put emphasis on maintaining a tax structure similar to President Clinton’s. The idea was to take the approximate 1.6 trillion dollar budg...

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...pment and/or possession of weapons of mass destruction. Cheney pointed out that he was concerned of the lack of information coming out of Iraq since post-Gulf War U.N. inspectors had been ousted from the country (Cheney, 2000).
Justification: Replacing incompetence with the impartial

Works Cited

Too Close to Call , Toobin, Jeffery
9/11 commission report
Grand Theft 2000 all three debates
Barbara Crossette, NY Times , Aug 20, 2000
Bush v. Gore 2000 on the issues bush and gore

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