Effects of Unresolved Issues on Marital Conflict

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Conflicts which lead to unresolved issues can influence the quality of the marriage. Although several research was made on marital relationships, the factors which influence the arising of continuous conflicts are still not clear. Unresolved issues are problems which are continuously brought up in a marriage. However, marital conflicts are not the only source of unresolved issues in a relationship. Unresolved conflicts within the marriage can affect the longevity and quality of the marriage, but personal background and individual trauma contribute to marital problems more often than conflicts within the marriage. In fact, marital conflicts are usually started because of personal unresolved issues. If a person develops a behavioral property because of environmental factors prior to a marriage, or even during marriage, that one person can endanger the marital satisfaction and longevity. A study by Carnstensen, Gottman, and Levenson (1995) aimed to explore emotional behaviors in long-term marriages. They have come to the conclusion that older people often show more affection in their relationship while younger or middle age marriages. Although older couples have had their conflicts before, affection and love proved to be the most dominant emotions. However, unhappy marriages exist in all age categories. This research suggests that optimizing positive emotional experiences and minimizing negative experiences is the only way of achieving a happy marriage. Furthermore, it suggests that some couples have learned to remain neutral during discussions and disagreements, so they do not aim to change the other's opinions and beliefs. This behavior prevents escalations of deeper emotional problems which would eventually endanger the marital ... ... middle of paper ... ...ral factors which influence the quality of marital relationships, but most of the focus should be on individual issues. A marital relationship requires a harmonious coexistence, and it requires effort from both sides to maintain it. If one person has behavioral issues, it will not be possible to establish a functional relationship with that person. If both sides in a marriage have behavioral issues, one side will start an argument and the other side will follow. This will escalate the negative emotions and leave a long-lasting trace on marital satisfaction. Unresolved issues themselves have no influence in determining the marital quality, but as long as people are willing to support their negative emotions and deny their partners affection and respect, marital conflicts can turn into continuous process and degrade marital satisfaction for an extended period of time.

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