Effects of Rising Gas Prices

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Gas has many effects in our society, and some of these effects have a negative impact in our life. Our daily lives depend on gas, when we go to work, school and going out. We use gas for electricity, cars and many other things. The effects of gas are direct and very affecting in our lives because of the many forms it can be used in. There are many negative effects of rising gas cutting back in vacation time, prices of everything is going up “inflation”, car companies making more efficient cars. First, many Americans are cutting vacation time because of higher gas prices. Families cannot afford the longer vacation because of the higher prices, especially during the holidays. Many small businesses get a direct hit from slower economy, because people are not spending money. For example, many families cutting back in a necessity like food, health insurance and even going out for some time. Gas prices effect the middle class, also affects people in steady incomes like senior citizens. Second, inflation prices are going up, because of the gas prices high it effected everything a round from goods and services. Goods and services depend on gas for transportation and moving the goods from place to another. Services are going up due to higher cost of the gas. People are cutting back in the necessity like food, health insurance, and shopping. Many people have steady income and cannot effort much higher cost of anything. Finally, many car companies make more efficient cars and hybrid cars. Companies trying to boost their sales through efficient cars and lower gas cost for the consumer. Because of the higher prices of gas consumers are looking for more efficient cars. Gas prices left big companies like Ford, Toyota, and Dodge slow which it had a direct effect in the economy and the workforce. Many people lost their jobs over the passed six months because of the effect of the slow economy. In conclusion, the effects of higher gas prices cutting back in vacation time, prices of everything is going up “inflation”, car companies making more efficient cars.

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