Effects of Child Abuse on Children, Teens, and Adults

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Child abuse undoubtedly affects the children while it is happening. The toll it takes on these children can be seen physically and emotionally through scars, bruises, failing grades, and rebellious attitudes. In many cases these devastating effects do not disappear after the abuse stops or when the child becomes an adult. It follows them for the rest of their life and can lead to depression, suicidal thoughts, or suicide itself.
Researchers found that abuse and maltreatment during a person’s childhood can affect the way their brain functions. This could be the cause of anxiety and depression in child abuse victims. To test this theory, a few victims of child abuse underwent an MRI to observe the three parts of the brain that attribute to fear. The prefrontal cortex, which is in control of our actions, emotions, and thoughts, receives a lot of its emotions, including fear, through the amygdale. The hippocampus decides then if what we sense is truly something dangerous that we should legitimately fear. The data received back from the victim’s MRI showed a weak relationship with the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus. This kind of a response in the brain is also found in people who are diagnosed with depression and anxiety. The MRI scans proved the researchers’ theory correct and proving child abuse does cause long lasting harm to a person.
In St. Louis County, a fifth grade girl, who was once the perfect student, began receiving failing grades, showing depression through body language, such as slumping

shoulders, and anxiety. It was noted that her parents were going through a divorce and teachers believed that the stress of the divorce was taking a toll on the child. In a counseling session with...

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... in an attempt to make feelings of depression, anxiety, and pain disappear. In

extreme cases victims have committed suicide from the inability to stop their PTSD, low self esteem and other emotional effects.
Child abuse is proven scientifically to effect people as children, teenagers, and adults. The scientific studies do not give justice to the cruel experiences the victims went through as children and the hardships they must continuously face for the rest of their life; they only prove the effects of them carry on. The feelings of depression and anxiety, the PTSD, and the suicidal thoughts may be hushed by therapy, the scars, bruises, cuts, and burns may fade but never completely disappear, but the long-lasting effects of cruel abuse will always remain a threat in the victim’s lives for as long as they live or as long as they choose to remain living.

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