The Effects And Side Effects Of Today's Legal Prohormones

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“At his age, you have to ask, Did he accomplish all of this by rejuvenating his strength from day to day with those substances?” baseball great Hank Aaron asked regarding anabolic substance abuser Barry Bonds. Prohormones are a relatively new supplement said to be the “legal” form of steroids. (Aaron) Though some people see huge gains while on using prohormones, they don’t know the true damage prohormones really cause. Athletes and bodybuilders taking prohormones experience terrible side effects, muscular gains that are less than expected, depleted testosterone levels and destroyed endocrine systems.
The first prohormones (adrostenedione) became available in December of 1996. Sales really took off shortly after thanks to Mark McGuire, and the ease of access everybody had to these prohormones. The past few decades the popularity of prohormones have skyrocketed and marketing for the supplement has caused concerns in how safe this product really is. With safety being such an issue agencies have since intervened with the US Anabolic Steroid Act, which started in 2004, “redefining anabolic steroids and classify prohormones as controlled substances” (Ostojic, Calleja-Gonzalez and Stojanovic). The act did a great job of putting an end to the use of the current prohormones on the market, but the production companies are smart. These companies created products with different names changing an ingredient and making the supplement more potent as ever, once again legally putting it on the market for the consumers.
With these changes in names and ingredients come many issues for the consumer, they didn’t know what exactly they were putting in their bodies. Many more “prohormone” products were now on the market which caused confusion for th...

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