Effective Intervention with English Language Learners (ELL)

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Research review

Over the semester I worked with a young girl who is an English language learner (ELL). An English language learner is someone who is not yet fully competent with the English language and his or her native language is not English (Lerner and Johns, 2012). Lowered English competency leads individuals to encounter difficulties comprehending and using the English language (Learner and Johns, 2012). The need for adequate language capabilities is paramount in life and education, without it one may not receive information or actively participate in the environment. An ELL student may be considered to be academically disadvantaged when compared to peers, whose native language is English. Therefore, it is common to think of English language learners as having a learning disability. This is because learning disabilities are conditions that hinder learning for many individuals and it affects schooling as well as aspects of adult life (Lerner and Johns, 2012). Canada, being a diverse country, is experiencing an increase in the number of English language learners within its educational system (Lerner and Johns, 2012). The need for successful interventions for this student population is becoming increasingly important as the number of ELL students continue to rise.

Current research on English language learners illustrates a variety of interventions available within the domain of education. The main focus of these interventions is to counteract the limitations ELL’s encounter, while increasing the likelihood of acquiring proficiency in the English language. Interventions prominent in educating these individuals include: teaching and using language-learning strategies, pairing an ELL student with a bilingual student...

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...an Secondary English Language Learners: How Peer Instructors Support Learning. Bilingual Research Journal: The Journal of the National Association for Bilingual Education, 35(1), 76-97.

Goldsmith, W. (2013). Enhancing classroom conversation for all students: strategies that foster discussion among ELL students can help them learn language while teaching critical skills. Phi Delta Kappan, 94(7), 48.

Lerner, J. W., & Johns, B. H. (2012). Spoken Language Difficulties: Listening and Speaking. Learning disabilities and related mild disabilities: teaching strategies and new directions (12th ed. Pg. 319-355). USA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Tabatabaei, O., & Hoseini, H. S. (2014). EFL and ESP learners' use of language learning strategies: a study of collocations. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 5(1), 112-120.

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