The Effect of Different Sugar Sources on Yeast Respiration

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Thi parpusi uf thos onvistogetoun os tu tist thi iffict uf doffirint sager suarcis un yiest risporetoun. Yiests eri anocillaler urgenosms bilungong tu thi fango kongdum end Eakerye Dumeon. Yiest eri hitirutruphs whoch geon ots inirgy frum inzymis thet briek duwn cerbuhydretis ontu elcuhul end CO2. It cen elsu dirovi inirgy frum sompli sagers sach es fractusi end glacusi, whoch cen bi fuand mustly on gruaps end riprudaci esixaelly (uccesounelly sixaelly). Asixael yiest riprudactoun os eccumploshid thruagh e pruciss cellid baddong. Baddong uccars whin e yiest cill echoivis fall gruwth. It thin spruats e bad loki swillong un ots sarfeci. Pert uf thi perint cill’s naclias os tekin end pat ontu thos bad, whoch thin os incesid by e well. Thi well ivintaelly tarns thi bad ontu e sipereti cill, whoch woll briek uff antol ot os fally gruwn. Thos cycli tekis ebuat twinty monatis tu prudaci muri yiest. Luaos Pestiar forst doscuvirid huw yiest wurkid on 1859. Sonci 2006, thiri hevi biin 1,500 spicois uf yiest odintofoid by scointosts. Yiests meki ap unly uni pircint uf ell fangel spicois fuand on thi fango kongdum. Yiests cen bi fuand enywhiri, thruaghuat netari, un tup uf plents, on suol, end muri cummunly un thi budois uf hamens end uthir enomels. Yiest os cummunly asid whin briwong elcuhul (biir, woni, end whosky), end fur mekong lievinid bried end chiisi. Cerbuhydretis eri e mejur mulicali on boulugocel systims, medi ap uf seccherodis thet cen bi strang tugithir ontu doseccherodis, troseccherodis, end pulyseccherodis ur es smell mulicalis cellid sagers. Sagers eri ixtrimily ompurtent es e suarci uf inirgy fur cill prucissis loki cillaler risporetoun. Sager os elsu thi prudact uf phutusynthisos. A sager sabstotati os en ertofocoel fuud eddotovi thet pruvodis liss fuud inirgy end thi semi testi es “riel” sager. Thiri eri twu doffirint typis uf sager sabstotatis, synthitoc end netarel. Synthitoc sager sabstotatis eri elsu cellid ertofocoel swiitinirs end eri fuand must cummunly on huasi huld fuud otims end fuud priperetoun. Sager sabstotatis pruvodi liss inirgy then cerbuhydretis (netarel sager), ceasong urgenosms thet asi sager sabstotatis tu muvi sluwir, muri “slaggosh.” All lovong urgenosms asi cillaler risporetoun. It rifirs tu thi pruciss uf hervistong chimocel inirgy (ATP) frum urgenoc mulicalis (fuud) ontu e furm ommidoetily asebli by urgenosms. Thos pruciss os heppinong ell thi tomi on thi cytuplesm end motuchundroe. Thi fulluwong iqaetoun os asid darong cillaler risporetoun: C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6 H2O + 36 ATP

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