Educational Leadership

2013 Words5 Pages


Many people in present day are trying to understand the concept and practice of leadership. The concept of leadership is equivalent to ensure the influence in school and manage the change and organizational structure. There has been the gigantic amount of literature lately about the school leadership. However, many people still misunderstand the concept of leadership. In order to learn the concept of leadership, people required to do more than reading just some literatures or fantasizing about what great the leaders should be.

School leaders are those people, occupying various roles in the school, who provide direction and exert influence in order to achieve the schools’ goals (Leithwood & Riehl 2003). In this essay, the school leadership will be explored through many scholarly journals and literature in order to clarify the word school leadership as much as possible. In addition, as Spillane (2005) claimed that leaders typically have interaction with others the discussion in this essay focus on human resource management, building professional work team and strategies future professional development in the area of school leadership and the relation of those aspects.

Leaders are thought to be essential for high-quality education (Leithwood & Riehl 2003).

School Leadership

Professional leadership defined as providing direction, process, and coordination to members of an organization for the purpose of attaining the organization’s goals (Mastrangelo 2004). The leaders have the crucial roles to guide and influence all the members in the school community to perform in the same and appropriate manners and achieve the educational aims. The literature on leadership, regardless of tradition, has focused mostly on those in for...

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Silins, H 1993, The relationship between school leadership and school improvement outcomes, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, 12-16 April, Atlanta, GA.

Spillane, J 2005, ‘Distributed leadership’, The Educational Forum, vol. 69, no.9, winter 2005, pp 147-149.

Leithwood, KA & Riehl, C 2003, What we know about successful school leadership, Developing Research in Educational Leadership, viewed 22 March 2010,

Spillane, J, Havelson, R & Diamond, JB n.d., Distributed Leadership: Toward a Theory of School Leadership Practice, viewed on 22 March 2010,

Elmore, RF 2000, Building a New Structure for School Leadership, The Albert Shanker Institute, Washington DC.

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