Better Education Will Reduce America's Crime Rate

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Once a year in Switzerland a tournament, called Knabenschiessen, is held to show who has the best aim with various weapons. A trophy or prize goes to the top boy and girl shooters. As most everyone in Switzerland gets trained in the use of various weapons there is little to no crime in the country. According to the Swiss Federal Police Office there were 2,687 crimes committed in Switzerland in 1997. Of those only 637 involved guns (Halbrook, 1999). The best way to deal with crime is to educate people on weaponry, create more gun control laws, and harsher sentences for criminals caught in possession of a weapon.

Education is a key to dealing with the crime rate in America. The more young men and women trained in the use of weaponry by trained professionals could go a long way towards reducing the crimes committed in this country. According to a survey done by the CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion of elementary-age teachers claimed that most teachers believe that education on guns would greatly benefit gun safety. This survey distributed 150 s...

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