Education: School Systems are Damaging Students

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The United States Department of Education has been around since 1979. Since 1979, the department of education has helped the American People by offering free education to its citizens. With that free education, the American People have gotten tools they needed to be productive and successful in a global economy. Despite the department of education past, the department is currently screwing up a plethora of things, and needs to be enhanced. Initially, local school districts are eliminating recess. Weekly Reader revealed:
Approximately 40 percent of elementary schools in the United States have eliminated one or more recess periods or are in the process of eliminating recess, according to the American Association for the Child's Right to Play”. "Recess is important so kids get a break from sitting at their desks," said one principal from Virginia.

Kids spend a treacherous seven to eight hours a day at a desk they need a break versus if they just spent a lousy two hours in the classroom. Furthermore, “Many experts say that having recess is worth the lost class time. Recess gives kids the chance to exercise. At recess, many students also learn how to play and work together with other students”.[Weekly Reader]- If the students do not learn how to play and work together with other students, then how are the students suppose to be outstanding citizens when they grow up and help their community. The students will be reclusive. In addition, “Ogla Jarrett, a professor of early childhood education at Georgia State University, studied fourth-graders who did not have recess and found that they were listless, more fidgety in class and unable to concentrate on school”.[SIRS Discoverer] Student’s main goals are to come to school and develop k...

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...then every one of our students will be scared for life, holding them back from their dreams and their aspirations”.
Consequently, education in the United States of America is not what it used to be. Education in the states, used to be a powerhouse. Education in the states, used to be a place where other countries looked up to. Despite the facts, other countries are not looking up as they used to. They are looking up as high as a blind man can see. A blind man cannot see. The reason why other countries are not looking is, for the simple fact that the school systems are damaging their students. They are not permitting their students to recess, they are imputing zero tolerance policies on their students, and they are having affairs with their students. If education in America does not change, then we will not see change. So, the American People let’s make that change

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