Education in America

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Something I have always known since I was a little kid is that the educational system in this country is a complete fraud. American schools claim to live by the ideal of No Child Left Behind, but millions of students get cast aside each and every year. In schools these days, it is obvious which students are the elite—those that are raised up and motivated to go to college—and the ordinary student— those that are somewhat ignored throughout their schooling and are lucky if they even earn a GED. As a recent graduate of high school, and a product of this country’s educational system, I have had the opportunity to develop my own opinions regarding the myth of education in our society. Based upon my observations going through the school system, and the various arguments posed by several authors in “Rereading America”, I strongly believe that schooling in this society caters solely to students in the elite category while ostracizing students that do not live up to the elitist ideal.

When my family first moved to Las Vegas in 2003, location was the biggest factor in choosing what part of town our new home would be in. My mother was no fool and knew that the area a school was located in played a huge role in the type of education to be received. In her essay “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work,” Jean Anyon compares and contrasts how schools in different social-class communities produce different kinds of students. Even though I attended middle school in a nice area of Las Vegas, the environment definitely mirrored a working-class school by Anyon’s definition. Anyon describes work in such school as

…usually mechanical, involving rote behavior and very little decision making or choice. The teachers rarely explain why the...

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...ation for the career of their choice. As Gatto so eloquently points out in his article, “We have been taught (that is, schooled) in this country to think of ‘success’ as synonymous with, or at least dependent on ‘schooling’…” (Gatto 150). If he is correct, and success is reliant on our schooling, only the few elite students even have a chance at becoming successful. And that is truly unfair because every student in our country’s education system deserves the chance to be able to become something great.

Works Cited

Anyon, Jean. "From Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work." In Rereading America. 8th ed.

Edited by Gary Columbo, Robert Cullen and Bonnie Lisle. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2010.

Gatto, John Taylor. "Against School." In Rereading America. 8th ed. Edited by Gary Columbo, Robert Cullen and Bonnie Lisle. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2010

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