The Meaning of Ecology and Ecosystems

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The meaning of Ecology is the connection that exists between living organisms and their environment. From the largest animal on Earth to the smallest, they all share our world with us. The ecosystem is connected by the flow of matter and energy and as organisms eat and dispose of matter it supplies them to sustain life. Across the planet various densities of uneven configurations accumulate minerals and nutrients.
For example “Energy necessary for all life processes reaches the earth in the form of sunlight. By photosynthesis green plants convert the light energy into chemical energy, and carbon dioxide and water are transformed into sugar and stored in the plant.” Para 3 Columbia Encyclopedia:
Ecology Retrieved from

An animal that eats plants acquires some of the stored energy by consuming the plant; Herbivorous are then used for food by meat eaters and then they pass on the energy to them.

Ecosystems can be as small as a tide pool or a rotting log or as large as a body of water, forest or desert. Each system can consist of a community of plants and animals and this community is sustained by raw materials, chemical elements and water. Each community is surrounded by soil, water, climate and other conditions of the environment. An example of an ecosystem is a pond it supports a community of fish, frogs, insects and plants. Basic food is small organisms and plankton for the fish to consume. If the ecosystem does not maintain a balance it can weaken and the species will suffer. The systems are affected by fire, disease and severe climate changes not including predators and man such as building, pollution and mining.
The associations between plants and animals and thei...

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... survive in this community depends on their surroundings and their habits, breeding and consumption, that determines an animal’s station within the community.
Organisms just like us are aware of their environment. Animals can communicate by making sounds and body movement and leaving their scent. Plants can communicate through chemicals and color. Some plants use brighter colors to attract insects or other animals
Natural ecosystems function within the limits of their resources and are self sustaining. Over long period of times organisms can change their form and function this may cause them to no longer bear a resemblance to their original form.


Columbia Encyclopedia:
Ecology Retrieved from

Wikipedia (2013) retrieved from

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