Eating Healthy: Classism and Choice

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What we eat, the way we do it, and why we do it, will always be scrutinized and in this article the author does just that. She argues that eating healthy or not depends on witch social class we fit in; witch can be true in a way. However, eating healthy or not can also be a question of choice. Obviously having more money will always give you more choices and the option to go for expensive products with higher quality. The journalist goes back to the 19th century saying that white bread was a luxury that only rich people could afford but showed no evidence that, by eating white bread they were healthier than the poor who could not afford it. Eating a healthy and balanced diet doesn’t mean you always need to buy the most expensive foods. Neither does it mean having to switch to unhealthy foods, whose price tags may appear tempting, but which contain little or no nutritional value. Simply by making a few small changes to our daily lifestyles we can eat healthily, while saving money. There is a lot of information available from all different sources such as the NHS and the web where we can find ideas for meals that are healthy, tasty and best of all, won’t break the bank! The British Heart Foundation gave a simple but very effective example it read: Keep a supply of frozen fruit and vegetables in the freezer. They tend to be cheaper than fresh fruit and vegetables but still count towards your five (or more) a day. We can get fresh and cheaper fruit and vegetables from local markets, again, is a choice that not everyone is willing to make. Conrad Dean, an American nutritionist said: `You probably think eating healthy is expensive. I’ll be honest — it is. But there are tricks to keep it low cost; consume tap Water. Check the price of... ... middle of paper ... options to go for, we cannot say that they eat healthier that lower class. They might have the money to buy quality food and still make the wrong choices when it comes to their diet. There is absolutely no evidence that higher social classes eat healthier. On the other hand, according with evidence given above, the lower class might not have a lot of options but they do have choices which are a bit more difficult make and unfortunately people don’t make those choices and blame the easiest, but not the most obvious thing “money”. There is a lot of free accessible information for everyone and we should stop making excuses. Someone once said:” we are what we eat”. Despite of witch social class we belong to making the right choices about our diet will definitely improve our eating habits and promote a healthier Britain without having to look at our social status.

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