Eating Disorders, The Silent Killer

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Eating disorders are one of society’s most debilitating physical and psychological problems faced today. In the 1950s Marilyn Monroe was society’s role model, but would now be considered a plus-sized model and somewhat unattractive in society’s eyes (Steinem 5). Now in 2013, Demi Lovato, a pop singer, plays a huge role as a role model for young people, but has recently told the media that she suffers from anorexia nervosa and embraces it, ultimately showing adolescents that eating disorders are socially acceptable and even often encouraged (Cotliar 80). The psychological effects that eating disorders have on a patient can be very detrimental to themselves and often push the patient farther into the disorder than she could ever have imagined ("Prevalence vs. Funding" 3). The physical effects that an eating disorder can have on the body could be as minor as feeling faint to something as major as an organ shut down, or even resulting in death (“Physical Dangers” 2). Eating disorders affect a wide variety of people, particularly adolescent girls, and may ultimately lead to many destructive physical and psychological results. Eating disorders have been a part of the world’s culture ever since people began recording history. These disorders were first recorded in Egypt, where the Egyptians would partake in a monthly purge that would last anywhere from an hour to as long as two weeks. The Egyptians thought the purge showed their gods how faithful they were to them, and would often purge weekly if they had thought they had done something to displease the gods (Epstein 33). Though there are many individual specialized eating disorder conditions, three main disorders affect the majority of society today. These three disorders are anorexia n... ... middle of paper ... ...e on Eating Disorders. Web. 17 Dec. 2013. . "Prevalence vs. Funding". Get The Facts On Eating Disorders. NEDA. Web. 15 Dec. 2013. . Smith, Melinda, and Jeanne Segal. "Eating Disorder Treatment and Recovery." Help for Anorexia and Bulimia. Help Guide. 7 Dec. 2013. Web. . Staff, Mayo Clinic. "Eating Disorders: Causes." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 08 Feb. 2012. Web. . Steinem, Gloria. "Marilyn Monroe - Still Life." PBS. PBS, 19 July 2006. Web. . Wasserbauer, Amy. "Group Therapy." Eating for Life. ELA. Web. 24 Jan. 2014. . "What Are Eating Disorders." Eating Disorders. Eating Disorder Foundation of Orange County. Web. 17 Dec. 2013. .

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