Eating Disorders

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One in 200 American women suffers from anorexia and two to three in 100 American women suffers from bulimia (WEBSITE 1). Today, all people revolve their lives around is their looks, concerning themselves with something that should not matter but nowadays matters more than ever. Being beautiful means being skinny, having not an ounce of fat on one’s body, which is the complete opposite of what people thought twenty years ago. The rising concern about weight and appearances affects everyone in the world, but in America, especially it is becoming more of an obsession than a crisis. Dieting and starvation are becoming the norm. Susan Bordo wrote Never Just Pictures to address the issues surrounding the rise of eating disorders and the pressure to be thin. Her portrayal of women points out how important it is to be skinny in order to make oneself superior to someone who is fat (Bordo 367). Bordo centers her work on the human body and how people, especially women, use their bodies to control their relationships with others and themselves. She writes about anorexia and the growing body image concern. This passage shows the true side of people today who constantly worry about what they look like and whether or not it is better than the person next to them. The article takes an inside look at the problems that caused the spread of eating disorders and body consciousness, making them commonplace in society today (Bordo 370). The American culture has established a view that someone is what they eat, and what they look like affects everyone’s perceptions. This is true in the sense that people are so judgmental about weight, but it should by no means be all that one thinks about. Bordo establishes the normality of a culture to be centered on ... ... middle of paper ... also is up to the individual to curb their unhealthy habits. Bordo places most of the blame on the media, but a person needs to gain the self control and respect to be happy with themselves without wanting to be someone their not by partaking in unhealthy behaviors to do so. One of the many ways that the media and body image promote eating disorders is through the constant publications of women wearing next to nothing or tight fitting clothing. SUMMARY OF TEXT: In Never just pictures, Susan Bordo addresses the issues eating disorders arising more and more among teens due to the media and its ever-growing display of picture perfect models. CONTENT: STRUCTURE: STYLE: The style of writing Bordo chose to use included using examples of how the media affects teenagers by giving examples that show the impact it makes on their lives. CONCLUSION:

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