Eating Disorders Among Teenagers: Annotated Bibliography

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Introduction This research task is based on the prevalence of eating disorders amongst teenage girls in our School amongst the ages of 15-18. This is a valid topic as being a teenage female in an all-girls school; it is a very easily relatable topic. I am interested to find out about the prevalence of eating disorders in my school and ultimately in helping the girls who are suffering from a disorder and are not getting the sufficient help that is needed when one if suffering from Bulimia or Anorexia Nervosa. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Definitions 1. Eating disorder Source A Source: Internet dictionary Written by: Oxford press Word in dictionary: Eating disorder Date of access: 06/05/2014 The oxford dictionary states that the definition of an eating disorder is: “Any of a range of psychological disorders characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits (such as anorexia nervosa)” (press O. u., eating disorder, 2014) This source is valid as it is used from the 2014 version of the oxford dictionary. It is reliable as it has been written by professional dictionary writers. It is useful as it defines the nature of the research and there are no limitations. 2. Anorexia nervosa Source B Source: Internet dictionary Written by: Random house dictionary press Word in dictionary: Anorexia nervosa Date of access: 06/05/2014 The Random house dictionary states that the definition of Anorexia nervosa is: “An eating disorder primarily affecting adolescent girls and young women, characterized by pathological fear of becoming fat, distorted body image, excessive dieting, and emaciation.” (dictionary, 2014) This source is valid as it is used from the 2014 version of the random house dictionary. It is reliable as ... ... middle of paper ... ...es_treatment.htm Melinda Smith, M. a. (2014, February). Bulimia. Retrieved 05 06, 2014, from press, C. u. (2014). bulimia. Retrieved 05 06, 2014, from press, O. u. (2014). anorexia. Retrieved 05 06, 2014, from press, O. u. (2014). eating disorder. Retrieved 05 06, 2014, from university, O. p. (2014). bulimia. Retrieved 05 06, 2014, from

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