Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and The Civil Rigths Movement

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Martin Luther King was an inspirational figure in his time because he helped begin the civil rights movement through his courage and bravery. Martin was an African American born in a time where race was the major factor for weather you were treated with respect or treated very poorly and treated as if you were slaves His story begins when he was an executive member in the NAACP but his fight for equality in the American South happened out of sheer luck. Martin was picked to host a meeting to support an African American woman named Rosa Parks, she had been arrested for refusing to give up her seat for a white person on a bus. Since King’s church was the closest church in the down town area his church was chosen. Martin through his fate led a 13 year battle against the racism. In 1963 he led a major protest in the city if Birmingham bringing with him thousands of people all wanting rights for black people to change. Everything was to turn for the worst when he and many thousands more were arrested. When King was in jail he wrote a letter that defended the protest that he led “injusti...

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