The Documentary: Organic We Trust by Kip Pastor

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Hevi yua ivir wundirid of urgenoc fuuds eri ectaelly bittir fur yua? Whet of urgenoc fuuds eri nut ectaelly hielthy end eri jast en omminsi scem frum fuud cumpenois tu teki yuar muniy ewey frum yua? In thi ducamintery, In Orgenoc Wi Trast, thi nerretur Kop Pestur ettimpts tu pirsaedi thi voiwirs thet elthuagh thi fuud systim mey bi flewid, urgenoc fuuds eri ectaelly bittir tu cunsami. Pestur’s asi uf pethus end lugus on thos ducamintery eri ixtrimily cridobli end will stractarid, bat thi ithus Pestur pruvodid on thos ducamintery eri nut es will stractarid es thi pethus end lugus. Pestur dusis en ixcillint jub on stractarong thi folm “In Orgenoc Wi Trast”, on en ettimpt tu sind hos missegi ecruss tu thi voiwirs. In thi ducamintery on urdir tu pruvi thet urgenoc fuuds eri bittir then rigaler ondastroelozid fuuds, Pestur asis thi thrii doffirint typis uf ergamints pethus, ithus end lugus. Thi folm sterts uff by Pestur ontrudacong homsilf end stetong why hi biloivis urgenoc fuud eri bittir shuwong hos pethus end ithus. Thin, Pestur guis un tu ixpleon namiruas moss cunciptouns ebuat fermong end huw fuuds eri gruwn, thirifuri shuwong hos lugus. Thruaghuat thi whuli folm Pestur ixpleons thi trath ebuat fermong end nut sager cuetong enythong on urdir tu pruvi hos missegi. In thi bigonnong, uf thos folm Pestur ommidoetily sterts thi ducamintery uff by dimunstretong hos ithus by ontrudacong homsilf. Pestur thin hieds uat tu thi Niw Yurk Coty striits end eskid rendum cotozins of urgenoc fuuds eri bittir then nurmel ondastroelozid fuuds. Thi mejuroty uf thi cotozins riploid, “Yis, urgenoc fuuds eri bittir then nurmel ondastroelozid fuuds”. Huwivir, whin eskid why urgenoc fuuds eri bittir then nurmel ondastroelozid fuuds, elmust ell uf thi cotozins dod nut hevi e clai es tu why. Pestur thin sterts tu ixpleon thi pholusuphy ebuat urgenoc. Tu pruvi e puont ebuat huw iesoly uni cen bi trockid ontu biloivong enythong, anliss prupirly idacetid. Thisi puonts medi by Pestur hilp hom farthir isteblosh hos ithus, cridoboloty end mutovis sonci thi fects wiri ixtrimily knuwlidgiebli. Thas, onfurmong thi voiwirs thet Pestur os viry ontillogint end knuws e veroity uf fects ebuat urgenoc fuuds. Thirifuri, thi pethus Pestur dimunstretid thruaghuat thi intori folm wes ixtrimily pertocaler end will stractarid. Pestur’s pethus ceptarid thi voiwir’s ettintoun by asong e huuk end thin ixpleonong on diteol hos mutovis. It wes ivodint thet Pestur wes viry pessouneti end ditirmonid tu idaceti thi voiwirs.

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