Do Attitudes Predict Behavior?

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This essay will examine the strength of the link between attitudes and behaviour and show that attitudes do not always predict behaviour as there are a number of variables that need to be put in place before the evaluation of a person behaving according to their attitudes can be assessed. These variables will be discussed in some detail. The three component model will be discussed and also attitude formation will be touched upon, before the link between behaviour and attitude can be examined a general understanding of how and why attitudes are formed needs to be addressed.

The word attitude is generally a term used to describe the way we perceive and evaluate the social world around us, the way in which we build a positive or negative opinion towards something or someone (Crisp and Turner 2007). Most social psychologists believe attitudes are not innate and that they are learned (Baron and Byrne 2004). However there is some evidence that suggests genetics factors may have a small influence over attitudes. This can be seen in studies involving identical and non identical twins, whereby identical twins share stronger attitude beliefs than non- identical twins (Baron and Byrne 2004). However this link does not mean that our genes determine our attitudes it just shows that the relationship between genes and personality can have an effect on our attitudes (Aronson,Wilson and Akert 2005).

Attitudes can be formed in a number of different ways. The three component model consists of Affective, Cognitive and behavioural based attitude experiences and has been a main area of focus among social psychologists. These three components are held within most attitudes, however not all attitudes are equal and different experiences can change the ...

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...ncy is sometimes low because people choose behaviour from their attitudes and their Subjective norms about the way they are meant to act or what they think is socially acceptable.

Works Cited

Aronson,E.Wilson,T and Akert,M (2005) Social Psychology. 5ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education LTD

Baron,R and Byrne,D (2004) Social Psychology.10ed .USA:Pearson Education LTD

Coolican,H(1999)Research methods and statistics in psychology.3ed.London: Hodder and Stoughton

Crisp,R and Turner,R (2007) Essential Social Psychology.London:Sage Publishing

Hogg,M and Cooper,J (2003)The SAGE Handbook of Social Psychology. London:Sage Publishing

Lord,C (1997) Social Psychology. USA:Harcourt Brace College Publishers

Eiser,J and Van der Plight,J (1988) Attitudes and Decisions: New essential Psychology:.Channel Islands:The Guernsey Press Co

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