Diversity in Aurtralia´s Population

686 Words2 Pages

In the recent decades, the composition of the population has changed which becomes more diverse. According to the ABS (2012), 26 percent of Australia's population was born overseas and 20 percent of people had at least one overseas-born parent. It leads to a new business environment, diverse workforce. As a result, it is necessary to awareness the concept of diversity to achieve good performance while managing the diverse workforce. In this essay, it examines the concept of diversity by summarizing several articles. There are similarities of the values of diversity and differences of measurement in diversity between different articles.

In both articles, the values of diversity identified as an essential element which determine organization performance. In the main article, diversity is helpful attributes for decision making while ignoring ethnic and other forms of diversity are a risk for an organization, includes discrimination and conflict. Moreover, Edewor and Aluko (2007) assets new challenges and opportunities comes up because of the diversity. In addition, Mba Sr (et al. 2013) mentioned understanding of diversity is the main condition for success. Also, Martín-Alcázar, (et al. 2012) illustrates there are advantage of diversity exists with potential problems. As the result of both articles agree the importance of diversity, diversity is meaningful for an organization and need to be concerned.

However, there are no common measures of diversity between the main article and additional article because diversity is very complex. From the main article, Maringe (et al.2007) analyses the concept of diversity through narrow and broad perspectives and observable and non-observable. The narrow perspective of the concept of diversity ...

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...status, gender expression, educational background, geographical location, income, marital status, parental status, and work experiences.
The concept of diversity contains acceptance and respect which means it is necessary to understanding each individual is unique, and recognizing the differences between individuals by race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies (Jack, cited in Mba Sr & Teresa 2013).

To conclude, diversity is a complex concept which cannot come up a common measurement from these articles. However, both articles affirm the value of diversity that determines the success of an organization. Therefore, even though it is intricate, it is also considerable because well managed of diversity can cultivate and maintain a positive workplace environment.

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