Who Is Iago A Villain

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Iago, manipulative and complicated depicts the villain in the play Othello. He sucks the resources out of the characters in a non literal sense planting seeds in their mind allowing them grow by using lies and deceptions. Throughout the play he gradually gains more power through the cultivating of ideas in the characters minds within the play using what he has planted and going off that. Although, Iago didn’t plan his actions in a personal planner or a step by step table he did structure a strategic sketch that formulated into a brilliant scheme.

In the prelude of the play Iago makes it known to others that he loathes Othello. Going out of his way to make known his hate for Othello, is why Iago is characterized as a villain. This brings …show more content…

Arise, arise!/ Awake the snorting citizens with the bell,/ or else the devil will make a grandsire out of you." (I.i. 87-90)

As you can see, Iago doesn’t waste any time starting to discharge his emotions toward others for his disliking for Othello. Voicing his opinion, Iago calls Othello an “old black ram” but then again he also calls the citizens “snorting” which calls for his abhorrence personality.
However, this is just one of Iago’s personalities in the play. He speaks poorly of Othello while Othello is not in the scene, but while Othello is in the scene Iago puts on another face hiding his true identity. In a way Iago is two-faced switching between his façade will talking to different characters.

The act of asking someone to watch over their wife (Othello asking Iago to watch over his wife while he goes to war) shows an enormous bond between two people. Othello asks Iago to do just this which demonstrates Othello’s faith and trust for Iago even though Othello is unaware of Iago and his fiendish …show more content…

A trigger occurred sometime in the play which made Iago figuratively go off the edge and explode. The characters had to of known each other before these events and Iago must have not had an issue with Othello before all of this or maybe he was just building up his anger and Othello choosing Cassio to be his officer sent him off the edge. He also goes off on his wife which I believe was triggered by the anger build up he has within

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