Discrimination in the Workplace

2000 Words4 Pages


There are different types of discrimination against a job applicant or an employee. It is prohibited by law to make biased decisions based on preconception to group of people according to a certain race, national origin, class, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, age, disabilities, genetic information etc. All developed countries have an advanced legislation to protect job applicants and employees against different types of discrimination in many types of work situations such as hiring, firing, promotions, harassment, training, wages and benefits. This paper examines issues associated with the main forms of discrimination.

We will focus on these issues using the example of the USA. There were a number of studies with a view to understanding the nature of different types of discrimination. The majority of sources I have analyzed are articles from the USA law magazines. In my opinion, it is one of the best ways to find the latest information on this question.

Moreover, I have examined some USA court decisions which are relevant to my research. The Research Proposal consists of a few paragraphs, each of which includes information on one type of discrimination.

The essentials of discrimination and anti-discrimination laws

Discrimination is a prejudicial treatment of an individual based on an opinion that a discriminated person is a member of a particular social group. It is a treatment in the way that is worse than the way people are usually treated (Lee, 2003). Such an attitude involves denial of privileges or opportunities usually used by other members of society, negative attitude to discriminated people or even exclusion of a person from social life. A specific type of discrimination is employment disc...

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... includes acts protecting most of employees. Besides, there is an enforcement practice of these acts by courts, arbitration courts and governmental institutions (EEOC). The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission plays an important role in protecting employees’ rights. A thorough study of the cases carried out in this work proves that the USA has a well-balanced anti-discrimination system.

One of the best ways to eliminate discrimination is prevention. There are some special actions that have an effect. Firstly, an employer should show the employees that any form of discrimination is absolutely unacceptable in the company. Secondly, all the employees should feel free in the process of complaint; they should understand that it is a normal activity in a company. Thirdly, there should be special education and technical assistant programs for managers and employees.

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