Dill's Imagined Solution in Harper Lee´s To Kill a Mockingbird

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In Harper Lee’s book, To Kill a Mockingbird, she creates many characters and she goes in depth on each one of their lives. Some of her characters have a happy life, some have good lives with some unfortunate events, and some of her character’s lives are sad and confused. We know that Scout has a happy life and Jem’s life is fairly good so far, but their friend Dill does not seem to fit in either category, because of his family life, his life seems confused. Dill is a character in To Kill a Mockingbird with a mysterious family life, although we know a few facts there are still some aspects unknown. Dill uses his powerful imagination to cope with his presumed difficult life.

Dill’s difficult life is at home with his family. We learn early on in the story that Dill is sent to live with his Aunt in Maycomb County for every summer. We also discovered that Dill does not have a father, when Dill replies to Scout’s question about a father,”I haven’t got one”(8), is what he answers. Having no father and having your mother send you away every year can harshly impact a child’s life. Even though Dill shows no noticeable sign of having a poor family life, we know that something catastrophic might happen to Dill in the long run if no one does anything to fix Dill’s problem.

Dill tries to fix his problem by himself. He eventually begins to show some strain in his family life further into the book and he decides to try to fix his predicament single-handedly. When he feels his mother and his new father are not paying enough attention to him and they don’t want him around,”the thing is, what I’m tryin’ to say is---they do get on a lot better without me”(143), he decides in order to fix his position he must run away to a better life with the Finch’s. After Dill runs away, the Finch’s let him live with them for a little while but they send him back home in a short time, making Dill feel helpless. So running away does not help Dill and he needs a new way to deal with his troubles.

Dill’s imagination is his best way for him to deal with his troubles. Dill has a difficult life and he tries to do physical things to make his life better, like running away, but he soon finds out that does not work.

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