Dilemmas Faced by Christians in the Military

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Many prayers these days include a blessing for the soldiers. It really does not matter where the plea for the troops comes in a prayer; it may be in the middle or tacked on to the end, but it sounds something like the following: “Lord bless our troops, and bring them home safely.” Yes, bless the troops, and every one wants each one to come home safely. However, this is a very general prayer. People use the verb “bless” because they really do not know what to say. What does it mean to “bless?” Some people can relate to the soldiers but most cannot. Some know what it is like to be away and under the pressures of combat, but most do not. An unknown soldier has said, “For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know." Christians with admirable intentions, lift up prayers to the Heavenly Father, knowing the Lord said in Luke 11:9, “And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Claiming this promise, it is Christians’ hope to aid born-again soldiers in the battles fought and waged by laying their petitions of their heart at the feet of the Lord.

In order to be specific in prayers for the fighting forces, education in what a soldier lives through and thinks is a necessity. The following is what a normal day could be like in a Forward Operating Base outside of Baghdad:

There is no set time for a combat soldier. He could wake-up at 7 AM or 1PM or 2 AM depending on his mission. He may be out of the camp for 8 hours or 3 days. When it is his time to get ready for his mission, he puts on his uniform, after knocking the dust off, laces up his boots, and puts on his Individual Body Armor (IBA) and Kevlar. IBA is a...

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...gives the qualifications for leaders of the church. What an awful shame it would be if soldiers who were in a church leadership position would have to ask to be removed from the office of a deacon, or the position of a Sunday school teacher because of sin in their life in which they could have had the victory over, but failed to make the proper precautions and failed to equip their spiritual life for this type of combat. These fighting Christians need to seek the Lord’s face daily and guard their heart with all diligence in order to be an effective witness to their fellow battle buddies. This will ensure spiritual integrity in doing a church leadership role, if this is what the Lord would have them to do, when they return home. Pray for the spiritual warfare and physical battles these men and women face who sacrifice daily for our country and our way of life.

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