Digital Media's Positive Effects on Online Interviews

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Digital media is “a form of electronic media where data is stored in digital (as opposed to analog) form. It can refer to the technical aspect of storage and transmission (e.g. hard disk drives or computer networking) of information or to the "end product", such as digital video, augmented reality or digital art.

Florida's digital media industry association, Digital Media Alliance Florida, defines digital media as "the creative convergence of digital arts, science, technology and business for human expression, communication, social interaction and education".

Ref: Digital media 18April (2011) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Digital media is the media that convert into digitally. For example such as converting images, sound, videos, texts or combined of images, sounds, videos and text; into 0 and 1 pattern between – 32768 and + 32767.Digital media has made many things possible for online interview in today time. That the traditional media or old media can’t do. For example during the traditional media period an the interview must take place only in studio, the interviewee have to travel to talk to the interviewer face to face, the interview was record in magnetic tape, the interview can only be broadcast though cable television , radio and newspaper only, the interview record is hardly to be editing and transmit. While the online interview that done by digital media are much more comfortable, portable and can be interview in anywhere by using digital camera, internet and etc.Because digital camera are record the video in digital form. This can be easy to store in computer and broadcast online (YouTube and etc.).Furthermore online interview can be done by o...

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...dvantages and Disadvantages of online interviewing .

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Eloise C.J. Carr, Allison Worth. (2001) the use of the telephone interview for research. Nursing Times Research, Vol. 6, No. 1,pp. 511-524

Rezabek, Roger (2000, January). Online focus groups: Electronic discussions for research [67 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research [On-line Journal], 1(1).

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The State of the internet, works solutions (5th May 2010) , Stats on social media platforms

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Digital media 18April (2011) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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