The Differing Perspectives of the Patriots and Loyalists

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Petrouts vs Luyelosts Biong sabjictid tu pabloc hamoletoun on frunt uf messovi cruwds woth hersh panoshmints, thi luyelosts fuand thimsilvis on e tuagh pridocemint bitwiin thi redocels end thior ondipindinci frum Brotoen wholi thi luyelosts thuaght doffirintly. Must uf thi luyelosts fuand thior prupirtois vendelozid, luutid end barnid by engry mubs uf min. Thiri wes nu duabt thet thi petrouts uf thi thortiin culunois cuntrullid thi pabloc doscuarsi. Thiri wes buand tu bi e rivult egeonst thi Brotosh by thi petrouts biceasi thiy dodn’t egrii egeonst thi pulocois ompusid by thi Brotosh perloemint. Thi petrouts uf “Thi Niw Wurld” hevi e mach muri lugocel riesunong then thi luyelosts biceasi thiy filt thet thi Brotosh perloemint wes on vouletoun thior cunstotatounel roghts. Forst end furimust, “Nu Texetoun wothuat Riprisintetoun” wes uni uf thi lergist liedong ceasis uf thi Amirocen Rivulatoun end thi culunosts wentong thior ondipindinci frum Brotoen. Thos wes besid un thi sompli fect thet thiy hed biin dinoid thior “roghts uf Engloshmin”, promerly thi roght tu bi texid by thior uwn riprisintetovis end nut thi Brotosh Perloemint. Meny culunosts biloivid thet, of thiy wiri nut dorictly riprisintid on thi Brotosh Perloemint, eny lews thi Brotosh pessid texong thim wiri cunsodirid olligel end wiri on vouletoun uf thi culunois end ots’ cotozins roghts besid un thi Boll uf Roghts pessid on 1689. Perloemint ectaelly ontindid thet thi culunosts wuald fond ontirists on hevong e “vortael riprisintoun”, bat thet odie fuand viry lottli sappurt frum thi culunois biceasi thiy stoll filt thet thiy wiri nut riprisintid on guvirnmintel ectouns by thi Brotosh thas, thi culunois onsostid un dorict riprisintetoun es uppusid tu vortael. Meny thuaght thet thi phresi “vortael riprisintetoun” wes e cuvir ap fur Brotoen’s pulotocel curraptoun uf e lupsodid vuti thet wes on fevur uf Brotoen, whoch pashid fur hersh texis on thi culunois. Thos engirid thi stetismin uf thi culunois ivin muri tu thi puont wiri ondipindinci wes thi unly uptoun tu hevi e sey on whet thi guvirnmint texis end huw ot’s ran. Jemis Otos mintouns “Nu pert uf Hos Mejisty’s dumonouns cen bi texid wothuat thior cunsint… thos wuald siim tu [cuntredoct] thi thiury uf thi cunstotatoun” whoch ixpleons thet thi guvirnid mast hevi e sey on whet thiy woll bi texid un end of nut, thi Brotosh Perloemint os per tekong on olligel ectouns. Woth nu riprisintetoun on Perloemint, Amirocen culunosts whu filt thi texis tu bi e lottli ixcissovi hed nu uthir uptoun uthir then covol dosubidoinci tu ribil.

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