Different Types and Methods of Planning

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“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” (Benjamin Franklin) .This quote is indeed highly relevant to teaching and preparing and planning your lessons. Preparation involves an idea or plan of an expected outcome. When you plan a lesson you have an idea of what your students will be expected to know when the lesson is delivered. Therefore planning is an essential and important part of lesson preparation.
Creating a purposeful learning environment can also be an essential part of planning for learning. The planned structuring of an attractive and thought out learning environment is a very important factor in preparing for a students learning. You as a teacher may have very little control over the physical classroom environment or structure in which you teach but however it is important as part of preparation to create a stimulating learning environment by using the available space and furniture to the best effect for your students learning (DCU 2005,pp.9-11).
Many of us teachers would question why we plan and prepare our lessons in advance; here are some of the reasons behind our method. Lesson preparation and planning is an important element in ensuring success of a teachers work. This preparation is completely necessary in order to clarify the learning outcomes which need to be achieved and how it is you intend to achieve these. (DCU 2005,pp.13).
“Planning is a process which involves continuous reflection, re framing, amending and adjustment. Your planning notes should be like a map for the year ahead, for you the teacher and the class”. (Burke 2010,p1)
There are many different types and methods of planning. The school plan is also one of the most important documents to the teacher. This document contains key mess...

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...ilable: http://www.spd.dcu.ie/site/tp/documents/guidelinesforprobationaryteachers.pdf. Last accessed 27th Apr 2014.

• (Burke,M. (December 2010). planning and preparation. In Touch. NA (1), p1.)

• Chirmule, A. (2007). the influence of music on neurons. Available: http://sersndip.brynmawr.edu/exchange/node/206. Last accessed 25th Apr 2014
• Dennis,K. (NA). planning and preparing for instruction. Available: http://sitemaker.umich.edu/keldenn/chapter4. Last accessed 27th Apr 2014.
• Humphreys,T (1998). a different kind of discipline . Dublin: Gill & Macmillan. P208.
• Petty,G (2004 ). Teaching today. 3rd ed. Uk: Nelson Thornes. p1 . tes magazine. (2013). using differentiation in mixed-ability classes. new teachers. NA (NA), p1 .

• Ni Bhriain, O. (2014). Music Education in the Primary School . Available: https://sulis.ul.ie/xsl-portal. Last accessed 27th Apr 2014.

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