Differences Between Public and Private Philantropy: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

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The divide between the rich and poor has slowly been increasing for the past decade. Since the start of capitalism, bringing along with it the spread of globalization, there have been many uproars of movements against many injustices coming to attention by the mass public. With these movements also came an increased pressure on the government to help aid the civilians that are suffering all around the world. Unfortunately government aid is pretty limited when it comes to development due to security concerns, and the clashes some government aid programs might have with the government’s own self-interests. Even with many civil societies helping to promote human welfare, their abilities are also quite limited because of government interventions. While government contributions on social programs and infrastructure is at a steady decline, the need for private philanthropists to alleviate social struggles and aid in development is at its peak and at a better advantage then that of public philanthropists. Therefore, the small percent of wealthy individuals should actively contribute in charitable giving and private funding for the betterment of society as whole. By looking at many factors that contribute to private philanthropy one can eventually conclude that there are many assets for having a society aided by private funds. There is also some minor costs that are associated with private philanthropy but in this case the benefits exceed the costs. This paper will look at some works of philanthropy from private philanthropists such as Bill Gates and his contribution with the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation. This paper will also be looking at the major differences between private and public philanthropy, how these differences contribute...

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