Development of Early Childhood Caries

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Title: Association Between Calcium Levels and Phosphoric Concentration on the Development of Early Childhood Caries Among Kindergarten-aged Children in Gainesville, Florida

Background and significance-----
Severe Early Childhood Caries (S-ECC) greatly influences the overall health and well-being of young children. Quality of life is reduced amid those diagnosed with S-ECC. This may involve pain, sleep disturbances, as well as changes in behavior. Young children with severe decay can also have alterations in their eating habits in addition to preferences for particular foods. Thus, dental caries that are untreated tend to affect nutritional health. Several reports have disclosed that some children may be suffering from varying degrees of malnutrition, particularly anemia and low iron concentrations, and have modified growth patterns that impact both height and body mass index. Thus, it is probable that individuals with S-ECC≥ are also lacking in important vitamins and nutrients, including calcium and phosphate (Schroth, et al., 2013). Additionally, parathyroid hormone (PTH) has significant influential power on the cells of the bones and controls calcium and phosphorus concentration in the bloodstream and bone. Therefore, it is essential to determine the association between calcium levels and phosphoric concentration on the development of early childhood caries in young children, specifically children in kindergarten.

Specific Aims (limited to two)

1. The purpose of this study is to determine the association between calcium levels and phosphoric concentration on the development of early childhood caries in young children, specifically children in kindergarten.

2. Secondly, it is of great importance to understand th...

... middle of paper ... difficult to control for as they are critical to explaining why children are at risk for caries.

Significance of the study: There is limited knowledge in regards to this topic, though evidence proposes young children with S-ECC are at elevated risk of malnutrition. It is of great importance to determine the association between calcium levels and phosphoric concentration on the development of dental caries among kindergarten-aged children in Gainesville, Florida. As a result of these findings, it may be beneficial for health care professionals to carefully consider calcium levels and phosphoric concentration when assessing a child's overall oral health.

Works Cited

Schroth, R., Levi, J., Sellers, E., Friel, J., Kliewer, E., & Moffatt, M. (2013). Vitamin D status of children with severe early childhood caries: a case-control study. BMC Pediatrics, 174-182.

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