The Determinants of Arab Public Opinion Towards Other Countries

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I am studying international relations and I am specializing in Middle East region. The article I will summarize below is examining the determinants of Arab public opinion towards other countries.
Especially after September 11, 2001, many commentators in the United States have speculated on the roots of Arab resentment toward the USA. In fact, academia has long before discussing various and more generalizable hypotheses about enmity and rivalry. Furia and Lucas (2006) are trying to find quantitative proofs for those hypotheses among Arab public.
The population of interest in the study is the adults in 7 Arab countries. Since the all Arab population is more than 300 million and living in different countries, making a census including all of their opinions is almost impossible. For that reason to determine the trends and social attributes, authors used an international poll data named Zogby International “Arab Values Survey”. The sample of the poll consist 3400 adults from 7 Arab countries (subject countries). Respondents are chosen as 600 adults per country from Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and 400 adults per country from Morocco, Lebanon, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. Each country divided into geographic regions and participants from each region were selected at random.
Within the poll, the participants are asked to answer the following question to determine their attitudes toward 13 non-Arab “object” countries.
Interviewer: “I will read you a list of countries. Please tell me if your overall impression of each is either very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable, or if you are not familiar enough to form a judgment.”

The object countries in the Zogby study were Russia, China, the United...

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... in behaviors of those object countries.
To summarize, the parameter that the researchers tried to generalize is the Arab public attitudes toward other countries and the determinants of those attitudes. Even the average AFFECT score has found as 42.32 per cent for the 7 subject Arab countries it has shown in the research that this value is depending on the object countries behaviors about salient issues in the region rather than their identities, cultures, economic situations or military capabilities. Thus the researchers suggest that countries wishing to improve their image among ordinary Arabs can do so and the most effective way to do this is simply by altering its policies in regard to Palestine and Iraq.

Works Cited

FURIA, P. A., & LUCAS, R. E. (2006). Determinants of Arab Public Opinion on Foreign Relations. International Studies Quarterly, 50(3), 585-605.

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