The Delicious Scent of Life

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The delicious scent of life

The remembrances of experiences fill our lives up with emotion thinking about what could of, would of, or should have happened. Ones past experiences affect the way one views the future. As well as past experiences dwelling along the mind, present experiences create ones for the future. William Wordsworth’s most famous piece “Tintern Abbey” reflects how nature and earth itself is a gift of God. Wordsworth explains that one needs to see nature with a relationship towards human life. The spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings towards man and nature create such symbolism and meaning that remind one to always remember the small details. Something insignificant can change ones life forever. He begins the journey into “Tintern Abbey” by taking the reader from the height of a mountain stream down to the valley where he sits under a sycamore tree perceives the beauty of the natural world. Wordsworth establishes the connection of nature and how it is a force to binds mankind not only to the past and the future, but to other human beings as well.

Originally called “Lines written a few miles above Tinturn Abbey”, Wordsworth setting is crucial. He is said to be situated a few miles above tinturn abbey observing the view from up top. Very meticulously he goes on saying “once again do I behold these step lofty cliffs, that on a wild secluded scene impress thoughts of more deep seclusion, and connect the landscape with the quiet of the sky. The day is come when I gain repose here, under this sycamore tree” (4-10). Because he was observing the abbey, he falls into a state of reminiscing. He writes the poem under the sycamore tree as he overflows with emotion towards the greatness of nature. He is delighted to s...

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...umanity”, he has recognized his own morality. The satisfaction of his own conscience is there in Tinturn Abbey. The human mind is like a flowing river he states, both powerful and fluid with the capacity of destruction and corruption. Like I stated before, the presence of his sister Dorothy seems to be surrounding him. She stood there along with him, side by side, when she was alive and now that she let he can still perceive her while contemplating the scenery at Tintern Abbey. He sees his former self in Dorothy. “In thy voice I catch/ the language of my former heart, and read/ my former pleasures in the shooting lights/ of thy wild eyes” (117-119). Wordsworth advises Dorothy and the reader to take his lines to heart like a benediction. He instructs her to have faith that nature will always provide solace in hard times and fresh insight into the meaning of life.

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