The Delay of Development in Guyana and Getting Rid of Class Association

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As mentioned in the first chapter , Guyana’s development is extremely important. As of right now Guyana is the only former British country that has not reached its full potential. The constrains on development in Guyana is based on geography, infrastructure and international markets. All of these constraints mentioned are very true but how do we get rid of class association. Well , we cannot get rid of class association but we can try to get rid of the affluent mind frame that comes along with class association. How does geography delay development in Guyana well that is something that this country cannot change. Even though it is culturally related to most Caribbean nations such as Grenada, Jamaica and Trinidad its location makes it seem as if it is not apart of that culture. As a result of that there is a limited participation in trading with the international community including other Caribbean nations. Guyana is located south of the caribbean and on the northern tip of South America this location delays its economic growth because the other caribbean islands are near their trading partners which helps them control their imports and exports. Another factor is that there the development for major roads that will link Guyana to its neighbors Venezuela and Brazil has been fulfilled yet. There only discussion about it but no one has sat down and plan what to do. Another delay in development for Guyana is its poor infrastructure which also stunts its economic growth, this happens because it has to be replaced and repaired and this such construction produces jobs and gives contracts to outside companies to grow and rebuild. The only issue with that is that there may not be enough money to rebuild so it usually takes a very lo... ... middle of paper ... ...nt Jadgeo who grew up poor but got an education and rose to the upperclass by becoming a dentist before he enter politics but his rise to politics like Burnham was also influenced by those who had enough money to get him there. For the development of Guyana, class association is needed even though it is negative in terms of excluding others in society. Class association is needed for a multi-ethic society like Guyana to function. What should be done is that those that are rich and have the access to amenities in life, should have the willingness to donate to the development of Guyana and make sure that it actually last. The development in Guyana is very important for this country, the PNC and the PPP should find ways to come to an agreement to work together to make development work in Guyana. Instead of using class association to pursue their own needs and wants.

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