Deforestation: The Root to All of the Earth’s Environmental Concerns

705 Words2 Pages

Forests, around the world, are being continually chopped down by humans to make way for businesses such as Cattle Ranching, Mining, and Oil Production. But while these industries may hit big in the trade market by exporting all their products elsewhere, the fact is the forest clearers are really just shooting themselves in the foot. By cutting down all those trees, we are lowering the amount of oxygen and increasing the amount of carbon dioxide, which is bad for our lungs. Not only that, deforestation also leaves thousands of animals homeless and starving, until they eventually die off. On top of that, the profusion of carbon dioxide has pretty much pumped steroids into the beast that is global warming. That’s right; Deforestation is the root to all of the Earth’s environmental and wildlife concerns, and it is a global crisis that must be dealt with before we regret it.

Over the last 40 years, deforestation has increased substantially, and the infamous Amazon Rainforest has had at least 20% of its trees and forest cover exterminated, leaving many animals hung out to dry. And I mean many animals. Close to 137 species of animals are becoming extinct every day, adding up to 50,000 species of animals kicking the bucket each year – all because of deforestation. In fact, rainforests are home to more than half of the earth’s plant and animal species. Think of all the animals losing their habitats if Two NFL Football Field’s worth of rainforest is demolished every day. It pains me to even think about it. Taking an animal’s home away is the cruelest form of animal abuse I can think of. It’s like someone is in the hospital on a life support system, completely dependent on the life-support system to stay alive. Next thing you know, someb...

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...ving the same lifestyle as you; being edged closer and closer to extinction, trying in vain to survive.

Ultimately, I think deforestation is an important matter that must be dealt with. It impacts the earth in ways that are so unexpected. Who would’ve thought that deforestation contributes more to global warming than that of all the cars and trucks in the world combined! Not to mention all those homeless animals out there starving and deprived of nutrition. They need support; they need help. And we will give it to them. We Matter. Us. Although we are merely students, we can do what it takes to make a difference. We can help. We need to do everything in our power if we are to ease the suffering of the victims of deforestation! Let me ask you a question. Forests worldwide are being chopped down without consideration for the consequence... What will you do about it?

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