Definition of the Word "Insanity" in Various Contexts

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“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” says Einstein (Insane). This is the only one of the many thoughts about insanity. Many people have interpreted the word insanity in their area of profession for many years. Artists defended that insanity is the foundation of the creativity, while psychiatrist were defining it as “mentally illness, craziness.” This discrepancy became very clear in all sources when I was reading articles which are written out from different perspectives. I didn’t read only their interpretation about insanity; they showed me that what kind of thoughts which author has. Also they all are such as to authenticate that “someone can be identified by his/her interpretation of the word insanity.”
Dictionaries are easiest and most appropriate way to start point for a research paper about a word because they include most known meanings of the words. Oxford English Dictionary, which is one of the most respected dictionaries in the world since 1884, defines insanity by saying “the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness.” (Oxford). Expectedly the denotation meaning of the word insanity is based on its scientific explanation because it is easy to prove with the written documents. On the other hand, connation meanings are subjective which means depends on people who define it, and normally people who have different point views, defines the word differently. Also they tried to convey their thought/interpretation about insanity to other people, and they created discrepancy between them. That gives us chance to identify someone from his/her interpretation of insanity.
Though dictionaries use insanity’s scientific explanation, art attributed new meanings to it. Belinda Thomso...

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...zan Öztürk, who is reverend of her street’s mosque, was defining insanity by saying “Insanity is a punishment which is given by the God to people who think they are most clever person” (Öztürk). As you see, they interpret insanity in the direction of their mind. We can liken the insanity to a mirror which shows what kind of mind that someone has.
When we consider all of the pieces of information, we can easily see that definition of the word insanity is related to some critters of the person who says, such as: area of profession, thoughts/opinions etc. People define insanity as to those, in other words they gives informations about them with their interpretation of insanity. That gives us chance to identify someone from his/her interpretation of insanity. As I said at the beginning of the essay, “INSANITY IS A MIRROR WHICH SHOWS WHAT KIND OF A MIND THAT YOU HAVE."

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