Humanity Of Christ Research Paper

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Defense of the Humanity of Christ. Jesus Christ was without a doubt a real, living, breathing human being. His human nature is separate and distinct from His divine nature, yet unified in the person that He is. He was not God merely making himself appear as a person: He was truly human. Jesus's humanity is very clear from the testimony of scripture and records of his life.
Jesus's humanity is attested to by scripture through the accounts of people who view Him as an ordinary person. He was born of a human mother, experiencing the natural process of gestation and birth (though miraculously conceived) just like every other person on this planet (Luke 2:7). According to Luke 2:52, Jesus went through a human growth process. The disciples viewed …show more content…

For example, when Jesus was fasting in the desert for forty days, He experienced hunger (Matthew 4:2). At the end of His fasting, Jesus was so terribly exhausted and weak that angels had to come and minister to Him (Matthew 4:11). When Jesus was on the cross, He experienced thirst (John 19:28). Jesus also became fatigued and tired, just like everyone else (John 4:6). The ultimate human experience that Christ endured was His death on the cross (Luke 23:46). All of Jesus's experiences, as recorded by the Bible, demonstrate that He was truly …show more content…

Jesus Himself claimed to be eternal (John 8:58). Jesus also demonstrated His divine attributes, particularly when he demonstrated his omniscience to the woman at the well. In John 4, Jesus approaches a woman and tells her things about her life that He could not have possibly known if He was only human. He tells her about her relationships in a way that no ordinary man could have. In His interaction with her, He exercises His deity by using His omniscience. Jesus's deity is also shown by the fact that He is worthy of worship. Worship is reserved exclusively for God alone in both the new and Old Testament. Exodus 20 is clear that people should not in any way worship anything but God. In Revelation 19:10, an angel denies worship because it is for God alone. Jesus accepts worship from people, demonstrating His deity clearly. The records of Jesus' life show that He was in fact

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