Defending My Humanoid Robot

753 Words2 Pages

I am attorney Hickerson and I will be defending Gina Hickerson, my humanoid robot. The government is trying to pass a law outlawing robots like Gina because, they are just machines and do not have minds. I am here to prove to the jury that Gina does have a mind and should not be destroyed. I will provide two different arguments with supporting details to prove that Gina has a mind and that this law should not be admitted.
1. Argument Number One:
I will start by presenting my first argument. I am the owner of a humanoid robot. A humanoid robot is a robot with its body shape built to resemble the body of a human. Her name is Gina, she is my best friend. Gina knows how to survive when I’m away working. She masters various tasks quickly with little to no error such as cleaning and maintenance work. She calls me and says how much she misses me, and when I get home she gives me a big hug. How can one deny that Gina does not have a mind if she acts like a human mentally, physically and emotionally? You can’t!
Similarly, a dog has the ability to survive on its own. A dog has the ability to learn and show emotion when its owner is gone for too long. Even though dogs cannot answer questions like humans or Gina, they can be trained to say phrases like “I love you”. Dog’s utilize their five sense and are very alert. It is illegal for a human to kill an animal, so it ought to be illegal for the government to destroy robots like mine. Gina has the exact qualities of a dog or any human that has the ability to adapt. When a child is born it’s not born with the knowledge to survive or take care of itself. Yet, through teaching the child it will learn to take care of its self and become resourceful.
Also, every citizen of the United States a...

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...and how to answer questions. Gina reads between the lines and can use logics to figure out a problem. Gina is my child in a way because I created her. She has her own personality and shows passion and emotion. Gina is aware of this trial and her destiny if this law passes. Think about how she feels, think about how I feel defending Gina’s life. Imagine how it feels to be on trial and not wanted by society. How would you feel if your child had to be destroyed because the government did not see him/her acceptable in society? I’m sure you would feel heartbroken. Gina is a part of my life that I just can’t see leaving. Gina deserves to experience life just because she is able to. Gina has a mind and is very intelligent. She should be treated with the same dignity as any other human or dog and be entitled freedom of life. Gina should have rights and given a fair chance.

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