Ernest Hemingway

3147 Words7 Pages

Ernest Hemingway

In this paper, I will describe what critics have to say about Ernest

Hemingway^s novel The Sun Also Rises and his short story A clean

well-Light Place. First I will describe the basic plot of the story,

then go one to describe each of the characters by what the critics have

to say about them. I will start off with the main character and

narrator Jake Barnes. Then go to Lady Brett Ashley, Robert Cohn, Pedro

Romero, and finally I will fish off that section with a little about

Bill Gordon. Then I will describe a little of how Ernest Hemingway^s

characters fit into what critics have to say about the story. After

that, I will then go into describing how the four American Themes were

used in the novel. After that, I will evaluate the criticism of the

book using one or two quotes from the book. >From there, I go into my

next literary work. I describe the basic plot of A Clean Well-Light

place. Then I describe the themes of the story. I then go on to

describing the criticism, or at least what I could find on the short

story. I continue with my evaluation of the criticism of the book.

Also using one or two quotes. I conclude my paper by giving my

evaluation of each of the works, and evaluating the author^s style,

content, and themes. In The Sun Also Rises, meet Jake Barnes, the main

character and narrator of the novel. He and his friend Robert Cohn

meet a lady named Lady Brett. Here is the story of their adventure.

In The Sun Also Rises, a group of young Americans move to Paris after

World War I. Jake Barnes, a newspaperman who is in love with Lady

Brett Ashley, Robert Cohn, a Jewish former Princeton student who was

outcast, Lady Brett Ashley, an older Englishwoman who also love Jake

Barnes, but can^t consummate their love because he was wounded in his

genitals. As they travel through Paris drinking and sitting at cafes,

they met up with Brett^s fianc Mike Campbell and his friend Bill

Gorton. Jake plans a trip to Pamplona, Spain for a festival full of

bullfighting and the running of the bulls. Before everyone got to

Spain, Mike, Brett and Robert already being there, Mike and Brett

decided to take a side trip to San Sebastian. Robert followed them

like a lovesick puppy. While in Spain they met up with a bullfighter

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