Decolonization and Indigenous Peoples of Canada

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First I will define the definition of terms used in this paper. When I use the word Aboriginal, I understand this as a label given from the colonizers/ Europeans to identify Indigenous peoples. Canadian legislation defines Indigenous peoples as Aboriginal, I understand this as indifferent from the dominant ideology, therefore, the colonizers named Indigenous peoples as Aboriginal. According to teachings I have been exposed to it’s a legal term and it’s associated with discrimination and oppression. However, audiences I have written for prefer the use of Aboriginal. More premise to this reference is Aboriginal, Indigenous, First Nations, Indian and Native are used interchangeable, but it should be noted these names do represent distinct differences. Furthermore, I will use Indigenous to represent an empowering way to reference a unique general culture in Canada. Under the title of Indigenous peoples in Canada, for me represents: First Nations people, Metis people and Inuit peoples. These are the two titles I will use when I reference Indigenous people from an empowering perspective and Aboriginal from a colonizer perspective. In addition, decolonization in this paper will mean the reverse cycle of the colonizing process, but also understanding culture is always changing and Indigenous peoples need historical traditions and ceremonies but our culture also evolves and there’s a mixture of Indigenous ways of knowing and being and also incorporating western ways of knowing and doing. All perspectives offer benefits such as these two diverse perspectives. Colonization will be used, this word’s meaning for this paper is the idea that Europeans came over to what we now call North America and claimed the land and stated they discovered a n... ... middle of paper ... ...the work I do. In addition to being flexible, I must be open-minded and understand the work I do will not always look like “ professional practice”, it may look like digging a garden, having tea on the porch, or even help clean the house. The question is, are we humble and eager enough to develop relationships in this type of way? If are open and content with diverse ways of knowing and being than decolonization will occur. We do not possess the power to initiate decolonization but rather it happens when we allow it too. Colonial ways assume we have power and ability to control, Indigenous ways understand power is within our ability to be humble and assume the role of a childlike spirit. Be open, be meek and this will cultivate the essence of what decolonization is. Decolonization is a vision of wellness and social work is a tool that can be used to actualize this.

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