Death And Grieving By Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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Death and Grieving Imagine that the person you love most in the world dies. How would you cope with the loss? Death and grieving is an agonizing and inevitable part of life. No one is immune from death’s insidious and frigid grip. Individuals vary in their emotional reactions to loss. There is no right or wrong way to grieve (Huffman, 2012, p.183), it is a melancholy ordeal, but a necessary one (Johnson, 2007). In the following: the five stages of grief, the symptoms of grief, coping with grief, and unusual customs of mourning with particular emphasis on mourning at its most extravagant, during the Victorian era, will all be discussed in this essay (Smith, 2014). In 1969 Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, a psychiatrist, published the Pioneering book …show more content…

The positive methods of coping are: gaining support, taking care of one’s needs and differentiating between grief and clinical depression (Smith, 2014). The first positive coping method is receiving support. The most crucial aid in the healing process is acquiring the support of other people. Gather family, friends, and neighbors together to form a web of salvation. Scores of good Samaritans are available to counsel mourners through their bereavement. These kind-hearted individuals may be: psychotherapists, grief counselors, or simply a concerned acquaintance (Smith, 2014). Religion has been used for thousands of years to alleviate the misery of grief. Spiritual tasks such as: Bible reading, mediation, and prayer can provide a person with solace. Support groups are another excellent way to attain relief. A grieving support group is full of other people dealing with grief; every individual at the support group has the opportunity to share their own mourning experience. To locate a grieving support group, connect with local hospitals, hospices, community centers, funeral homes, and counseling centers (Smith, 2014). The second positive coping method is taking care of one’s needs. The burden of losing a loved one can devastate both body and mind. Caring for one’s physical and emotional needs, will make the make the heavy weight of bereavement, a lighter load. One important step in taking care of one’s self is to battle fatigue and hardship with exercising daily, and eating healthy. Facing one’s grief is critical step in self-preservation. To heal from grieving one must admit their anguish, if one restrains grief, it can bring depression, anxiety, suicide, substance abuse, and health problems (Smith, 2014). The final technique to maintaining one’s self is to receive adequate rest. During sleep, the

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