Dealing with Poor Parenting

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As a teacher in a high-need school, I expect to encounter many various challenges ranging from lack of supplies to administration blunders and difficult coworkers. Of all the trying situations a teacher is faced with in his or her career, most challenging would be poor parenting. Parents have the greatest influence in a child’s development. They have the greatest impact on their children in most if not all aspects of the child’s personality and outlook on life. Parents, as caregivers and guides, have a responsibility to push their children into the world and to encourage their children to work hard towards their goals. Some take this duty much less earnestly than they ought to, resulting in the types of parents that I often encounter in my daily travels. Parents who sit idly by while their children put on a full public display of their behavioral problems. Parents who’d much rather check their emails on their cell phones than pay attention to what their children are getting into. Parents who have too many other things to take care of, leaving little time for studying together and tak...

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