The Cause And Causes Of The Protestant Reformation

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“When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, “ Repent ’’ , he willed the entire life of believers to be one in repentance.” In this essay I will be discussing the causes and effects of Protestant Reformation and Martin Luther’s 95 Theses. I will also be discussing the Counter Reformation . The Counter Reformation had two main goals ; stopping the spreading of the Protestant reformation and to reform the church within . I will also discuss the English Reformation . The English Reformation will be discussing a lot about the religion . I will discuss important facts and my views about these topics and also discussing who played major roles during these events . The Protestant Reformation was a movement during the 1500’s that split churches …show more content…

Catholic leaders were mainly attempting to keep all the catholic members they had . Paul III and Paul IV played major roles in the Catholic Reformation and also a man by the name of Ignatius . Ignatius founded new religious orders , and he wrote a book about meditation , prayer , and study . He gained many followers and in 1540 , the pope created a group called the Society of Jesus . Anyone who was in this group was called a Jesuit , and they had three missions . They founded schools in Europe because the Jesuits were very intelligent when it came the classics and theology . Their next mission was spreading of the Catholic religion . Lastly their biggest goal was to stop the spreading of Protestantism. Paul III took four steps to reform the Catholic church . He first had someone to investigate the selling of indulgences and other problems in the church . Then he agreed with the order of Jesuits . After that he used the Inquisition to seek heretics. His final step was calling a meeting in Trent , that was later named the Council of Trent . The Council of Trent lasted from 1545 to 1563 , within those years they agreed on several different things. They agreed that the Church’s interpretation of the bible was final and anyone who disagreed was a heretic . They also agreed that Christians needed to have faith in order to have salvation but they also believed that you should have good works . They agreed that selling indulgences should be banned but indulgences were expressions of faith . Paul IV had officials gather all information that was believed to be dangerous to the Catholic religion and burn them . That day over 10 , 000 books were burned . These were some of the events that occurred during the Catholic

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