The Day I forgot My Birthday

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It was a beautiful sunny morning; you could hear the birds singing in the background. I just woke up after a long sleep. It was now 11am and everyone was awake whizzing all around the house and I wondered what all the havoc was about. I came across my mum and asked, “What was going on”. I got no reply. It was like my mum didn’t even see me if I was invisible. After that I could not be bothered to ask because it looked like another busy Sunday morning.

Later on the day I was getting bored and nothing was on the skinny TV of ours. Suddenly I hear a knock on the front door. I slowly got up as I always do and went to see who had interpreted my lonely boredom. When I opened the door the sun shone through the doorway and I was blinded for a moment. When I opened my eyes like a baby first does I see four huge figures standing before me, who all were cousins who had come around for something perhaps?

It was looking like a long day and my cousins had come around for something but I couldn’t be bothered to think why. I was sitting on my black reptile looking sofa as my cousin Sherjeel ca...

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