David and Goliath: creativity

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1. Summary of Article
The journal article by David and Goliath inspect on the issue on merger and acquisitions of an organisation and concerned with communication between employees and top management.
The article also examine on various collections of data that changes show beforehand results in reduced adverse effect of the merger.
Communication is the important way to help management to reduce employee’s anxiety and doubt that follows by the cause of the merger. Foreseeable change should be conveying to employees rapidly to prevent negative feelings such as stress, job dissatisfaction and low commitment to work. Studies show that communication increased employee’s performance and lessen their uncertainty.
Another customized methods are realistic job preview, the main functions is to reduce new employee’s anxiety by clarifying their performance expectation and guide them in the change to their new jobs. It provides complete and detailed information such as positive and negative aspect about the job. This make new employee feels more convinced with their job, less likely to quit and committed to the organisation. Communication plays a role in the new employees change process as well.
Even though above mentioned methods are a source of uncertainty for employees, there are no empirical evidence justify this idea.
The present study in the article was to conclude if mergers and acquisitions activity does produce uncertainty and others negative result. In this case, a communication program based on model of realistic job preview is to test the whether the program could lessen the negative effects of the mergers and acquisitions on employees.
Hence, an experiment called realistic merger preview was to provide a clear illustration ...

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