Curse: A Short Story

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Alan was by all definitions an ordianary Human nobleman. He was tortured daily by the affairs of the court which he enjoyed and hated at the same time. He was a member of Rundil family which was semi-famous and not really special for anything. Actually their most recognisable trait was how normal they were. At least for standards of Alaverian nobility. That was the reason why they all had to work hard to gain recognition and an important rank within the noble society. Alan wasn't doing a bad job himself. He was hardworking, unlike the rest of the nobility, and he was smart. Not like super intelligent but smart enough to manuver through court plots and conspiracies. And those who are familiar with nobles, especially Human nobles, will know that this is actually quite a feat.

Alan's life was normal just like he was. He had his routine. Getting up early, breakfast, lollygagging, work, chatting with nobles, lollygaging, attending latest noble party, working in his study, sleep. In thirty years of his life nothing disturbed his sequence. His routine went on and common people were sure that Alan left traces in the ground from regularly walking down the same path, through the same street, over the same sidewalk.

Strangely enough he wasn't unhappy with his life like he thought he will be in the beginning. He of course knew that there are better things in life but since he himself never experienced anything but noble comfort and one safe routine he didn't know much about it.

But that was soon to change. His whole life was about to turn itself inside out and explode scattering all the blue-blooded squierles around. If that even makes any sense. Since this is a story about the nobility it probably doesn't. They tend to be like that. All ...

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...h him.

Yet he didn't let go. He didn't have to. Life isn't about letting things go it's about accepting them. Like Alan and his wolf became one.

And the wolf run as far as he could. He run until he heard howls of his kind. Other wild beasts. The souls of those who broke all the bonds. Shook off the chains. By turning into a wolf, a savage creature, Alan became more human than any Human he knew ever was.

Because what is the standard by which we define what and who is or isn't humane? Does the fact that we are born as a specific creature make us such or is it something else? Is it some virtue we have to learn or gain? Or is the only important thing to just run freely and let the others do the same?

The howls were heard throughout the night. Some souls felt chills runing through their bones. And others felt the cold night air in their lungs bringing them to life.

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