Current State of the Republican Party

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It was a commonly held belief among the Republican party that Mitt Romney was almost a guaranteed win in the 2012 presidential election. This view wasn't necessarily because Romney followed Republican policy to a T but rather because of Obama's disastrous job with the economy in the previous four years. History was well in the minds of most Republicans in that particular matter since no president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt had ever won a presidency after the economy had gone as low as it did and was in a serious struggle to rebound. With this piece of history in the minds of most Republicans the assumptions was history would continue to repeat itself even if Romeny wasn't the Republican parties knight in shinning armor. The election results proved otherwise and in areas where it counted President Obama won over the key states in regard to electoral college votes. Obama won the battleground states of Ohio, Virginia, Iowa, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Nevada and Colorado and then eventually florida. One key state to the succes was Pennsylvania, where Romney made an 11th-hour bid for support to try to derail the president’s drive for re-election. North Carolina was the only battleground Romney won (Dorning ). This spelled yet another loss for the faltering Republican party and had many of its members on edge and talking of change.
The Republicans were divided on the changes that needed to take place. There are two different paths to explore, first of which is whether the party needs to get with the times and take a more center or moderate approach or entrench itself in its conservative beliefs. Looking at the first suggestion it seems most Republicans share this view and believe that the party needs to recognize the changes in Ame...

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...egardless of the situation changes will have to take place to turn the parties luck in the 2016 election.

Works Cited

Abramowitz, A. I. [Web log message]. Retrieved from
Dorning , M. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Huffington Post, Black Voter Turnout Passes Whites In 2012 Election, A First In Census History. 2013. Photograph. 13 Nov 2013.
Lopez, M., & Taylor, P. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Omero, M., & McGuinness, T. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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