The Culture of Somalia

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In this assessment my main focus will be on Somalia. I will briefly touch on its

regional neighbors because its neighbors are detrimental to Somalia. I will highlight

the globalization effects of this region and the effects it plays to the United States and its

global security. I will show how the forces of globalization have affected Somalia’s

interests particularly in the region of security needs and human security crises to include

food, water, and environmental insecurity.

The Somali Peninsula is a region of East Africa and is sometimes also referred to

as the Horn of Africa (HOA). In Somalia increasing scarceness and degradation of

natural resources gravely threatens the human and natural resource ability to sustain

itself. The population in the regions Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya

and Uganda increased 400% in the past fifty years and numbers are not declining but

rather going up. Recent estimates put the population of the region over 90 million.

Somalia makes up about 10% of the Horn of Africa with a population of around 10

million inhabitants. [1] [7]

The increasing need for fertile land is greatly intensified by high national and

international demand for food, energy and natural resources. Pastoralists or better known

as pastoral farmers are faced with declining amounts of land and water for their cattle,

goats, yaks, sheep, llamas and camels. Regular food shortages affect millions of people

daily. There is a continuous struggle for people to meet their basic human needs. This is

most evident in arid and semi-arid areas. [2] At least 1 million people are permanently

displaced and live a nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyle. Constant conflict and migration


... middle of paper ...

...f effective policy making as well as good governance. Then

the international community interest and assistance can better support Somalia and the


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