The Culture and Geography of Guinea-Bissau

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The rivers of Guinea-Bissau were some of the first of Africa to be discovered by the Portuguese. Portugal claimed Portuguese Guinea in 1446. But very little trading post were established before the 1600’s. Portuguese entered the slave trade and exported large quantities of Africans to the Western Hemisphere. African rulers prospered greatly from the slave trade but did not allow Europeans to move more inland than were there trading post were. Independence was declared on the 24 of September in 1973. The country was controlled by a revolutionary council until 1984. The first multi-party elections were held in 1994, but an uprising in 1998 led to the Guinea- Bissau civil war and the president ousting in in June 1999.
Guinea-Bissau is part of North-West Africa. It is along the border near the North Atlantic Ocean. Its capital is Bissau. The flag of Guinea is black, red, yellow, and green. The black star stands for the unity of Africa. The red stands for the bloodshed and struggle for independence, yellow stands for the sun, and the green represents hope. The flags design was heavily in...

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