Cultural Exclusion of Neo Buddhist in Urban Scenario

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Cultural Exclusion of Neo Buddhist in Urban Scenario

Statement of Problem

Cultural exclusion has different dimensions. It exist in different forms, In Indian society caste factor is mainly responsible for cultural exclusion. In simple word cultural exclusion refers to lack of freedom to celebrate religious programme, inability to express their views or opinions.
Indian social order also plays an important role in culture exclusion. Minorities’ religion or social groups has inability to follow and preserve their culture. Numbers of other factors are also responsible for cultural exclusion such as Print & electronic media, Most of the time it is focusing culture of dominant group’s culture rather than minorities culture.

Here, especially in the case of ex-untouchables or Dalits, who are considered a part of the Hindu religion and belong to the same country, they are excluded from the main part of the village, certain occupations and day-to-day life interaction. They are now excluded from modern institutions like education, judiciary, bureaucracy, market and media. Another form of exclusion, which occurs in Indian society, is because certain people follow certain religious faiths which have a foreign origin. The exclusion of Muslims and Christians is the most glaring example. Even though they have been living here for generations and contribute with their labour in the process of nation-building, they are often told to got out of this country as they do not belong to this land. These types of exclusions are more permanent and harmful in nature. (April 26, 2008 MAINSTREAM, VOL XLVI, NO 19 Cultural Heterogeneity and Exclusion in India, Vivek Kumar)

It has observed that individual belonging to minority group did not able to follo...

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...e. The approximate sample size would be 30 in depth interviews Researcher will conduct Non Participant observation.
Participant & Non Participant observation will be recorded.
The study will be conducted in Pune Urban Area. Sample will be choose from three diffrent part.
1) 10 in depth interview from neobuddhist dominant area.
2) 10 Interview from low density of Neo Buddhist area
3) 10 Interviews from Professional among neobuddhist, which will comprises Lawyer, Professor, Doctor, Engineer, Polictical leaders.
Unit of the study
Neo Buddhist people leaving in the Pune urban region.
Proposed Varible for study
In the present study the following variables will studied: social status, economic status, sources of income, occupational pattern, employment status and nature, political participation, availability of basic amenities, socio-economic inequalities,

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